Mobile manipulator for handling with silicon monocrystals

Product Data sheet (print)

Utilization and technical description of the basic version:
Mobile manipulator of silicon mnocrystal is technological device allowing manipulation with silicon monocrystals with weight up to 85 kg. Mobile manipulator graps silicon monocrystal in suspended position a allows safe removal of this silicon monocrystal from vacuum furnace. It is single purpose device which is not designed to handle any other burden.

The basis of the structure are tubes, closed profiles and burned-out shapes.
From these parts is welded chassis, lifting structure and handling part. In the chassis is positioned hydraulic pump, traction battery 12V, charging station and electricalodvozku manipulátoru je umístěno hydraulické čerpadlo, trakční baterie 12V, nabíjecí stanice a wirings.On the box is positioned basic control panel.

Basic technical specification:
Name:                    Manipulator of silicon moncrystals
Type of drive:          hydraulic lift
                             electric actuators - tilt and grip
                             elektric motor - rotation      
Load capacity:          85 kg       
Lifting height:          1700 mm


Mobile manipulator for handling with silicon monocrystals

Mobile manipulator for handling with silicon monocrystals

Mobile manipulator for handling with silicon monocrystals

Mobile manipulator for handling with silicon monocrystals

Mobile manipulator for handling with silicon monocrystals

Mobile manipulator for handling with silicon monocrystals